We have a number of resources available to our Northglenn community residents. Please visit or contact these organizations for a variety of services that will benefit you and/or your family or organization.
Access Housing: Provides transitional housing with wrap around services, as well as rental, mortgage and utility assistance (303)289-7078
Growing Home: Emergency mortgage assistance (303)426-0430
Catholic Charities, Samaritan House: 2301 Lawrence St. (303)294-0241
Sacred Heart Housing: 2844 Lawrence, (303) 296-6686
Delores Project: Shelter for women and transgender people 18+ yrs or age, (303)534-5411
New Genesis: Single Men 18+, 1680 Sherman St. (303)881-0953
Salvation Crossroads: Shelter for single men (303) 295-3366
Comitis Crisis Center: Transitional housing (303)341-9160
Severe Weather Activation Program, Crossroads Community Center: Huron and 104th (720)523-6646
Urban Peak: 1630 S. Acoma, shelter for ages 12-20, (303)974-2908
Day Shelters:
A.W.A.R.E.: provides: Food bank, computer services, 690 W. 84th Ave. (303)451-4288
Aurora Day Resource Center: provides employment assistance, computer services, clothing & hygiene, showers, laundry, day beds, breakfast & lunch
Mission Arvada Day Shelter: provides showers, hot meals, clothing, hygiene products, transportation, housing vouchers, works with the Veterans Administration
Food Bank of the Rockies: Click on this link to find food pantries in your area and see eligibility requirements – Find Food | Food Bank of the Rockies (foodbankrockies.org)
Good Shephard Presbyterian Food Bank: 10785 Melody Dr. (720)-465-9946 T-Thurs 9-11:30AM
Immaculate Heart of Mary Food Bank: 11426 Pearl St, (303)452-2041 Ext 126 Hours: M, W, F 9-11:30AM
Northglenn Christian Church Food Bank: 1800 E. 105th Pl , Hours: T & W 10-11:45AM (303)452-3787
Neighbor Outreach of Colorado: provides 40 lbs of food, the 1st Thursday at 500 E. 84th Ave, and 3rd Thursday, at Holy Cross Church, 9371 Wigham St
SNAP: check eligibility by going to snapco.benefitslaunch.org
PEBT Food Assistance: (720)382-2920
Mattress Pick Up:
Mattress Pick up assistance is available for those in finance need by completing the Utility Assistance Form and checking the box near the end of the form related to mattress and box spring pick up.
Car Repair:
A Precious Child – provides clothing, housewares, baby essentials, precious gifts for Birthdays and holidays, and much more. (303) 466-4272
Joyful Journey’s – Provides clothing and food to struggling families and individuals. Open 7 days a week from 10AM – 7PM, 6900 W. 117th Ave, Suite 400, Broomfield, CO 80020. Joyful Journeys Community Enrichment | Enriching Lives (303) 667-9695 (by appointment only)
Adams County Human Services – provides LEAP – Xcel Energy funding assistance, Veteran Services, Early Childhood Services, Foster Care, Work Force Services. (720) 523-2000
Northglenn Crisis Response Unit, Jessica Hulse, jhulse@northglenn.org (720) 822-0558
Employment, Training and Certification Programs:
If you are seeking employment in a construction trade, which may require participation within an apprenticeship program. Call Tony Abeyta at 303-720-1284 or email Tonys57ford@yahoo.com
If you are specifically looking to working in the field of heat and frost insulation, go to: https://www.insulators.org/students
Work Options –provides training and certifications in the culinary field. Program is 4-6 weeks, and allows the participant to earn up to $400/monthly. Often referrals are made at the completion of the program to hiring establishments. Call (720) 660-0159
Helmets to Hardhats is a national, nonprofit program that connects transitioning active-duty military service members, veterans, National Guard and Reservists with skilled training and quality career opportunities in the construction industry. The program is designed to help military service members successfully transition back into civilian life by offering them the means to secure a quality career in the construction industry http://helmetstohardhats.org
Electrical Apprenticeship Program – Independent Electrical Contractors Rocky Mountain (IECRM), located at 11329 Pearl St., Northglenn (303) 853-4886
Good Will Industries – Obtain fundamental computer and digital skill. Access online Training over in over 200 modules; as well as Google’s GSuite (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive). http://gsuite.google.com/learning-center
Adams County Human Services –Work Force Services. (720) 523-2000
Second Chance Center offers case management, mentoring, and vital resources to assist formerly incarcerated individuals in reestablishing their lives. http://www.scccolorado.org